When you are working on your back to school shopping list, your tweens and teens often need a good three-ring binder/organizer, in order to help keep track of everything from assignments, to pencils, to paperwork.
Case-It is a really great option, in that it is constructed in case format, with a handle for easy carrying, much like a laptop bag is handled.
The zippered enclosure helps prevent the loss of loose papers, something that is all too common of an occurrence with a tween, or disorganized teen. The colors range from simple black and gray, or blues, to brighter orange or purple. However, there are no funky characters to embarras your tween or teen.
As a mom to many youngsters, and a former math teacher at the middle school level, I highly recommend a zippered binder for any tween who struggles with losing papers, and a good 3-ring binder system for getting organized, and for learning to stay organized.