Friday, April 22, 2011

Fort Building Kits: EZ Fort by Toobeez

EZ Fort by Toobeez
Images are Clickable for current information and pricing at Amazon
Most kids love imagining, and pretend play often leads to adventures in imaginary buildings.  Older kids love the idea of having a fort, but the construction of a real fort is often limited by the availability of space or materials.  Further, an 8 year old doesn't have the construction skills needed to turn plywood into a solid and safe construction. 

Fort building kits can be a great way of encouraging that pretend play, and equipping your youngsters with manageable tools and materials to create.  Further, the fort can be put away, stored compactly, and kept for another day. Fort building is a great way to develop spatial skills in your children, giving the kinesthetic (hands on) learner a great way to work in his preferred style.  Younger children may need some assistance, older children have the opportunity to be innovative with the materials.

EZ Forts are suitable for ages 3+, and include rods, and connectors, along with coordinated sheet covering suited to the theme.  In addition to the basice EZ Fort, you will find the Fairy Tale Castle, The Bunker, and the EZ Fort Playhouse.

Toobeez also has other construction kits available, including the helicopter kit.

Toobeez Teambuilding Activity Guide
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