Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wooden Toy Kitchen Sets

Wooden Toy Kitchen Sets Promote Pretend Play

My oldest child is a wonderful baker, and her earliest kitchen experiences were as simple as waving a wooden spoon, from her walker, while Mom created gingerbread house pieces at Christmas time.  Through the years, she enjoyed both real, and pretend kitchen play, and it goes without saying that her toy kitchen set was a favorite pretend play thing.

A charming blue, wooden toy kitchen set...
Image links to details and availability.

Pretend play is very much an educational endeavor, as it allows children to repeat what they've seen, though in pretend fashion.  It allows them the opportunity to invent their own stories, ideas, and scenarios.  It allows for informal use of verbal and mathematical skills, in a tactile environment.  Sometimes, I think that formal schooling has abandoned too quickly the value of make believe.

KidKraft Wooden Toy Kitchen Set in Pink

Wooden toy kitchen sets have a wonderful charm about them, in that they are constructed of simple materials, can be created in a rainbow of colors, and can sufficiently provide a venue for imaginative play that will inspire.

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Costs for woodent toy kitchen sets can range from the $60 area, and up, and can be very simple, or quite elaborate.  Your household space may dictate how elaborate the toy kitchens sets are that you will consider, or your budget may do so.  Most big box retailers will host a given set, often plastic, during a holiday season, but I rarely see the charming wooden kitchen toys in my stores.  There are, however, plenty of online options, from many companies...check out the newest releases in Kitchen Play Sets at Amazon..