Thursday, September 29, 2011

Touchscreen Tablets for Kids: Kindle Fire

Kindle Fire
Tablet Interactivity with Great Educational Potential for Kids
Amazon has introduced a new series of Kindle ereaders.  In particular, the Kindle Fire is interesting as a possible gift choice for kids, due to its pricing, $199.  Price, alone, doesn't qualify a tech gadget as a great value, but based on preliminary information, Kindle Fire has some interesting features that provide a multimedia touch tablet experience:  streaming video and music, web browsing, ereading, and popular apps.  In conjunction with Amazon Cloud storage, digital content isn't stored on the device, but in the "Cloud".  Amazon content is stored free of charge, and other content can be stored, at a fee.

For kids, this is an affordable alternative to the popular iPad.  As a parent, you will want to oversee the content that your child accesses, and take the same precautions you would in any use of online technology, to assure your child's security and safety.  For me, this would mean using the device more as a family tool, and working together to monitor the content and web browsing. 

I am excited about the device for its use in educational purposes, though, as ereading looks to be a rich experience, and children's books in full color will be incorporated into the ereading experience, along with full color magazines.  I love having access to National Geographic for my kids, for example, but get overwhelmed with storing the old issues.

Kindle Fire is available for pre-order now, with its release due on Nov. 15.