Trapper Keeper Binders for Teens and Tweens Images link to current pricing information and availability through Amazon. |
When you look at getting a binder for your tween or teen, Trapper Keepers are tried and true choices. The one pictured above is perfect, coming in a range of colors, including black, blue, green, purple, and red.
Trapper Keepers go a step beyond the simple 3-ring binder, in that they snap closed, keeping loose papers from flying out. Individual class dividers and folders, along with composition paper, can be held in the ringed section of the Trapper Keeper, while a 3 ring Pencil pouch can also be held, and 3 ring rulers.
Additional options in tween and teen binders include Case It, which encloses the binder, with safe closures, and handles, allowing for a carrying case style of transport.
Case It Binders